Panoramic view from the end of runway, looking down to the River Avon

Who are Defford Model Flying Club?

DMFC are a small group of model flying enthusiasts who, having recently found a friendly farmer and a great flying site are looking to recruit new members.

DMFC flies from a site called Vale View Farm near Evesham in Worcestershire. Members can fly seven days a week.

DMFC is affiliated to the BMFA as club no 2550

When to get there?

We always try and have a club flying session every Sunday from 10am onwards. Except for when the weather is really foul (Gales or raining). This is the day that we put aside to teach new members how to fly. However shelter is available in the club caravan if the weather turns for the worse..

When going from the car park to the flying field, keep a look out so as not to walk in the path of models making a low pass on the runway.


Check out Charlton Metsite to find the direction and strength of the wind.

How to get there

Images produced from the Ordnance Survey Get-a-map service. Image reproduced with kind permission of Ordnance Survey and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland.


Movie Clips
Past History
©2025 Roland Alcock

Defford Model Flying Club
