Defford M.F.C Club

Rules and Safety Codes

1. Please communicate with other pilots, particularly when taking off and landing. All pilots shall stand together so as they can clearly communicate with each other, whilst flying.

2. Every club member is a safety officer. Don't be afraid to warn fellow members of any situation that in your view is a potential safety hazard.

3. The club operates one member one frequency. The exception being family members using common equipment. Flyers operating together on adjacent channels should carry out "the adjacent channel check" as detailed on page 20 of the current B.M.F.A handbook (03).

4. Membership of the club will run from the 1st of January to the 31st of December. Junior members will be free provided the parent is a fully paid up member.

5. All members wishing to fly at D.M.F.C (including Guests) must have a current membership to the B.M.F.A and abide by the rules and guidelines set out in the B.M.F.A handbook.

6. Flying times, Mon - Sun 10am - 8pm

7. There are now pits areas each side and end of the runway. The one used on the day depends on the wind direction and weather conditions. The first person to arrive chooses the pits position for that day. Taxiing from the runway to the pits area is strictly forbidden.

8. Parking is in the small car park alongside the long hedge, on the opposite side of the short hedge to the runway.

9. All minors and vulnerable adults must be accompanied, by their parent, guardian, carer or minder at all times. This club does not provide child minding services. Minders must take full responsibility for the welfare of their charges. The members of this club meet to fly model aeroplanes and do not expect to be performing minding duties for others. The flying field is not a play area (see rule 2). We expect everyone to behave appropriately at all times and to safely perform and enjoy the sport of model flying.

January 28, 2013

Movie Clips
Past History
©2025 Roland Alcock

Defford Model Flying Club
