Traction Avant Passenger Foot RestPassenger Foot Rest Anyone who has a Traction and has been a passenger in one will tell you that it can be a bit 'hairy' for the passenger when cornering as the seats are pretty flat, the bulkhead in front is vertical unlike modern cars where there are at an angle so there is nowhere to 'brace' your feet. I did see a Traction foot rest on eBay some time back and apparently the very early 7 models had one, but not the later ones so came up with a plan and bought one. Now the foot well is not square so a bit of modification was required with a jig saw to get it to fit plus I had to make a spacer for the top edge, that would transfer any weight from the passenger pressing on it direct to the engine bay bulkhead. I used sheet steel from a cooking tray, cut it to shape, bent it and pop riveted it to the alloy foot rest, then covered that part with rubber sheeting. However it's turned out OK and my wife is very happy with the outcome after a test run today. Getting it to feel solid under the feet is the important bit and why the top needs to be resting against the bulkhead. Hopefully any passengers will feel more comfortable going around those blind bends now..... Last Update: 23rd January 2017 |